Over 9 Non-Candy Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas with Printables
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Over 9 Non-Candy Valentine’s Day gift ideas with printables to go with the idea. Perfect for school Valentine’s Day gifts.
“Times Are A-Changin!” A few years ago, our kid’s elementary school requested Non-Candy Valentines. I am pretty positive the changes are mainly due to health concerns. I can live with that, and support it. But, what the heck do you do without a candy treat, and still make it fun to give, and to receive?! After I heard about the new policies, I headed out to the store to get some inspiration. I loaded up my basket full of inexpensive non-candy gifts and went home to come up with some Valentine’s Day ideas. Here are 9 Non-Candy ideas that are still packed with a ton of fun. I hope you’ll find something you can use for your Valentine. Plus, enjoy free printables to go with the ideas!
Mustaches are so big right now. The kids go crazy for them! You can find them at just about any store. I just saw some at the Dollar Tree in a huge variety, whistles, glasses, straws, etc…!
Here’s the Valentine’s Day mustache card printable
There are a couple of printables that go well with a spinning top.
Here’s anI’m on top of the World Printable for this Valentine’s Day spinning top idea
Add a spinning top to go with this non-candy Valentine’s Day Printable
Purchase a puzzle at the Dollar Store to go with this Valentine Card Puzzle Printable for kids
Get a fun Magic Wash Cloth – kids love them and add this fun Valentine’s Day printable for a magic wash cloth. A Great Non-Candy Valentine
Add a flying Disc or anything that flies to this Valentine’s Day printable for kids to use.
This Valentine’s Day printable is for Slap Bracelets
Love potion printable – pair it with a single packet of drink mix and wrap it around a water bottleÂ
This Valentine’s Day non-candy printable is a great idea for any Snowman Craft, pencil, or Snowman Toy. The possibilities are endless with this non-candy valentine!
~Melissa – KidFriendlyThingsToDo.com